I got invited to create with DALLE2

A couple of month ago when DALLE2 was exciting news I requested to join OpenAI’s waitlist to use DALLE2 ( This was of course before the low-tier dollar store variation of it became available to everyone for free)

(not) Surprisingly OpenAI had to kill my vibe right off the bat by not letting me sign up using My Country’s IP, There’s a workaround for that ( VPNS ) so I didn’t care much until it asked me for my number for 2FA That was a problem considering I didn’t have A number from some foreign country so I ended up Asking a friend Abroad to let me use his number and after all that fuss I was given permission to create with DALLE2, Only 50 prompts though!

I realized they had made a “Credit” system where each credit amounted to one prompt and after that you could buy new credit or wait another month for 15 free credits! Yeah so that was a bit underwhelming… But I didn’t care much since 50 prompts were enough for my usage.

It took me a couple of tries to figure out exactly how to write prompts in order to produce outputs close to what I had in mind. Afterwards it was pretty standard DALLE experience so I decided to share some of the images here. One of the variation of prompts that resulted in interesting creations was “Ornate Persian /Mughal/Ottoman Miniature depicting X”

Consider emailing me if you have any ideas for more creations or if you want high quality versions of images posted here.

Ornate Persian Miniature depicting Cell Division

The Scream Depicted as an ornate Persian miniature

Ornate Persian Miniature depicting a Persian Cyborg tinkerer with robotic limbs

Ornate Persian Miniature depicting A megacity with nuclear power plants surrounded by big walls

Ornate Persian Miniature depicting a McDonalds sign

MF DOOM performing on stage with a Cyborg Samurai

Old Persian Man as a hacker behind a computer, Artstation, Studio

I got some really unexpected results from a couple of prompts so I’m not even gonna write the prompts here, just let your imagination go wild with these ones:

And that’s the end of this blog post.

P.S: This was more like a collection of my DALLE2 creations but I still felt like putting it in a blog post, sorry for the heavy webpage!


| tech | dalle2 | AI |