Paradoxical Desires


It’s weird, the desire or rather the need to be liked is part of our evolutionary trait, almost like a warning from our mind wanting us to find someone sooner and procreate, modern society however has many contrasts when compared to the early societies homo-sapiens thrived in, resulting in behaviours and feelings that can seem so strange you would have thought they’re otherworldly. This is of course considering no other organism except for mankind understands and acts upon these sorts of feelings and mental deductions.

Sometimes these feelings can result in behaviour from man that could only be considered paradoxical and obscure, making even the person committing that action out of place and foolish.An abundance of regret and shame is released onto the said fool, which could only be described as the feeling of failure towards the previously mentioned “evolutionary trait”.

In some mystifying way however, it seems to work out, considering the fact that failure and shame are of the motivators that you are doing something wrong that will damage you in an evolutionary way, so you should improve yourself on it.

Meaning evolution has not only found a way to optimize us physically but also mentally, resulting in self correcting behaviour that tries to guarantee our survival in small societies by taking into account other members idea of us in to consideration. Especially when it is people that have a huge impact on your survival, being close friends, people you depend on materially and procreation-wise.


Haven’t been active on my blog for a while now because of university classes and other complicated stuff going on with me at the moment, wanted to write a quick blog-post, just as a mind dump and also to update the blog. Also there is a feeling telling me more people are gonna view this so, to all possible new readers: Hope you enjoy reading what is brought into being by my brain at 2:30 AM on a Friday :).


| minddumps | life | humans |