About the Iranian Protests

Iranians are experiencing the biggest protests since the 2019 protests over oil prices, this time though, something fundamental is different about the protests, It heavily includes women.It started after a 22 year old woman called Mahsa Amini was killed by the “Morality Police” here in Iran, It erupted into one of Iran’s biggest protests in years, women going out to the streets against compulsory hijab, burning their veils and chanting in opposition to Iran’s Morality Police. Another Important distinction is that this time the protests don’t necessarily include a single specific class, ethnicity or religious minority, Every one is out in the streets every day, ( for the 15th consecutive day as of the time I’m writing this blog post ) The protests escalated quite quickly, They’re really not about a reform of The Islamic Republic people are straight up chanting against the current system of Iran and want to replace it, with a secular, democratic system.

I say it’s different because I’ve never seen protests started over women’s rights in the MIDDLE EAST escalating to a straight up revolutionary movement against a religious theocracy. People all over the world have heard the voice of Iranians, #MahsaAmini ( in Persian ) has been tweeted over 150 million times on twitter and Iranians all around the world are going out and helping the Iranian people get their voices heard by the International Community.

In Zahedan, A city in the Sistan And Baluchestan Province of Iran, people have started armed battles with Islamic Republic armed forces. Many people have died in the recent protests, many of them teenagers, The Islamic Republic is disconnecting the Internet, every day from 4PM to 1AM the Internet is practically non-existent. Many university students have been taken to prisons. Iranian Artist Shervin Hajipour, made a song about the struggles of living under the Islamic Republic and he was arrested, for singing a SONG that he uploaded to his PERSONAL PAGE on Instagram. The Islamic Republic is desperate in Shutting the protests down but so far the protest are ongoing with no sign of dying out and the IR keeps on making mistakes, arresting innocent people, which results in fueling the fire.

Because of the protest half of our classes are “online” but the internet is also gone so it’s not the most ideal situation. A lot of University Professors have gone on strike and a lot of students also refuse to take part in classes

I’m writing this blog post in my dorm room with no access to internet, on Sunday, 2nd of October.

I hope for a future where stating the truth and fighting for human rights is not considered a crime in my country.


| protests | minddumps | life | iran |