My university results are here!

Almost a Month ago I got my national university entrance exam results and I had to apply to different universities of my choice, basically how it works is that: one applies to as many universities(alongside their majors) and lists them in order of priority, it goes through the list and stops when it finds a choice that you qualify for ( based on your results and how you rank nationally) I applied to multiple computer science spots with Tehran’s universities as priorities in mind, about 2 weeks ago I got my results and I got accepted in KNTU( Khaje Nasir al-din Toosi University of technology in Tehran ) I was busy with signing up and getting my dormitory permit sorted out. Last Friday ( 30th of September 2022 ) I came here to Tehran to settle in My dormitory room.

Dorm life was strange the first few days, but I feel like I’m habituating quick enough. Getting the hang of where everything is was the hard part, obviously moving in with total strangers isn’t the best experience at first, but fortunately my roommates are not the crazy type, in the end it worked out well ( so far ).

I’m looking forward to the university experience, I don’t necessarily know what to expect though. I have a lot of discrete mathematics, which is exciting because I like discrete mathematics.

University students are going on strikes all across the country, I’m not going to any classes this week.


| university | minddumps | life |